Thursday, February 12, 2015


The next order of business on getting this ole' blog up to speed is telling you a little bit about us getting engaged! This first picture was about a couple weeks before Christmas and as Chris described it, "everyone knew that I was about to propose besides you!" lol so kind of him. He proposed on Christmas morning after we had already opened our presents and I swear to you, I was ecstatic already over everything he had gotten me. I was pretty sure he was planning on proposing that morning so when we had finished all the presents and he hadn't, I just figured I was wrong. Well, then he went messing around with something in the garage, came back inside, got down on one knee and of course I said yes! It was perfect. I've mentioned this story to a few people and several people have asked "well, was there family there?" and my response is always, 'oh my gosh no, thank goodness, that would have been so awkward.' It is such  a personal moment! To have to share that with family and not be 100% genuine in the moment would just not have been okay and thankfully Chris was fully aware of that.

 The next day we went to the Children's Museum in Vegas and found this AWESOME life size lite brite that my niece and Chris got creative with. It made for such a cute photo!
 And then of course, we celebrated the next day with brunch at our favorite place. Oh how we wish we could get this place to cater our brunch wedding. We're here every weekend! Also, Chris does not look enthused because I'm taking his picture before 11am on a Sunday. I promise, he was happy.
 Lastly, the obligatory ring picture. Because I seriously LOVE it. I actually wear a different (cheaper) ring while I'm on travel and I kind of miss my normal one while I'm gone. Its a little fun to get home from work all week and get to put that one on again. I absolutely adore it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The most delayed post of all time

Niki and I post-race. I had A LOT of trouble just standing there for the pic.

Ahem. It's been a while. Like three to four months a while and A LOT has happened since then. One of my resolutions was to blog 3-4 times a month and well, it's February and I have blogged a total of zero times for 2015. Go me! But I'd like to change that. Field work is starting up again which means that I'll be stuck in a hotel room quite often for the next several months and what better way to pass the time than by blogging!
So we need to review the fact that the last time I wrote, I wrote about half marathon training and considering I am about to start training for my SECOND one, we should discuss the first. In a word, it was awesome. It was hard and difficult and full of pain but I loved it. I got a cramp in my right side within one mile of the starting line (HA is what my body was saying) and Niki had to go ahead because she was kicking ass and feeling great. And, of course, that cramp stuck around ALL 13.1 MILES. However, I maintained an 11min/mile pace thanks to the incredible Edie Gracia (who I now run with a few times a month!). She was my pacer and I don't think I could have done it without her. She pushed me when it got really hard, she listened to me ramble about triathlons and then she added me to her running group on fb later that day and I have been running with them as often as I can. 
Survived is right!
As far as the pain goes. Severe pain showed up in my left foot two days afterward and I had to take a few months off running. However, because of that injury the world's best physical therapist was recommended to me and he has completely changed the way I run, the way I feel about running and how I approach strength training overall.
Edie and I around mile 11
I start training for the OC Half next week and this time I have 2 more friends (besides the gorgeous Niki) and my FIANCE (woo) running it with me! Bring it on OC.