So I may or may not be back to write on this here blog. See, I have stuff going on in my life that I like to document. I've found that when I'm not writing important life stuff down I tend to take less pictures, write less in my journal and in general, focus less on the things I want to remember several years down the line. So I think I'll be writing on here again. I'm going to shoot for every Saturday or Sunday because I usually have a free hour or two that I can use to write and that way it will keep me on top of life. Hopefully there are still a few people that check this just in case I came back BUT if not, that's ok. I'll have it for me =).
Here is what has been going on with me:
This past summer has been AWESOME. I switched to the wildlife group at work which means I caught a lot of bats, birds and got to see other adorable creatures while getting paid to have fun. It has been one of my best decisions ever.
Jeff laying around on the job ;), a couple of species of myotis bats and a hoary bat (we never get these guys!) |
A spadefoot toad, a pocket gopher that thought he could attack me and a mama spider with lots of babies =/ |
4th of July! The weather was gorgeous, the fireworks awesome and my sister always looks adorable |
I have the cutest cat ever. I adore him. The other two are pretty fun as well. |
Long days spent lounging by the pool with a good book at the BF's house |
We went to San Diego at the end of August for one last hooray before school started and I LOVED the Scripps Aquarium |
I got to see tons of gorgeous sunrises and sunsets this year. You really can never have too many pics of them. |
School started a few weeks ago and after the initial stress of trying to get into a class crucial to me graduating next semester things have calmed down a bit and I am loving my classes. They are interesting, compelling and a ton of fun. I'm always glad that I have chosen to be a biologist. Besides the ridiculous number of bug bites I got this past summer, it is such an enjoyable job. I really couldn't be happier.
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